The stars lean down to kiss you, I lie awake to miss you.
Violet Eyes Turns Brighter

Navigations are Violet, Eyes, Turns, Brighter. Yoz. Welcome to!
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Saturday, June 4, 2011 11:02 AM

HAHA, so im like pretty much stuck at home doing no shit.
at people who are always expecting me to ALWAYS listen to their freakin childish problems! FOR THE IDK HOW MANY TIME YOU'RE PATHETICALLY ONLY 14 LA GET THAT TO YOUR FREAKING HEAD WILL YOU?! you say you can't live without him but he can he freaking can and bloody hell did better than you in his studies WHY CANT YOU SEE HE HAS MOVED ON ALREADY?!?!?!?! and if i can move on why cant you =.=
seriously, i dont get you at all. GOSH.